National Coming Out Day

Yesterday, October 11, marked the anniversary of the 1987 National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights which is now known as National Coming Out Day in the United States.  This day is not only a celebration but serves a reminder that there is power in coming out and that silence can be harmful.   A big moment in many members of the LGBTQ+ community is the moment they "came out" to family and friends.  "Often through support of others, we can find the strength to be ourselves" owner Laura Brown stated.  Since it's inception in 1999, the Vixen organization has been a key member and supporter of the LGBTQ+ community and their LGBTQ+ players.  Vixen player Amanda Dvorak posted yesterday "This team has done SO much for me in my life and one thing is they made me feel I could be who I wanted to be and still supported and accepted!" Resources The Trevor Project’s Coming Out: A Handbook for LGBTQ Young People, is a resource that covers a wide range of topics to support LGBTQ young people in exploring what coming out safely can mean for them. Human Rights Campaign Foundation resources: